The ASUS P6T motherboard features the X58 chipset designed for Socket 1366 Intel i7 processors. The P6T supports up to 24 GB of DDR3 memory and has features geared toward gamers and other computer enthusiasts, including two full PCI-E x16 slots for support two video cards at their native speeds. The ASUS P6T motherboard features a header of pins for connecting different cables from the computer case to the motherboard, including different buttons, switches and LED lights. You can turn off the reset button on an Asus P6T by removing the appropriate header cable.
1. Power off the computer if it is turned on and then remove the power cord. Ground yourself, preferably with an antistatic strap wristband, to avoid damaging computer parts with static electricity while you work.
2. Remove the side cover of the computer case. Some cases use screws, while others have a movable lever.
3. Locate the front panel header pins on the motherboard. They are located toward the bottom right of the motherboard.
4. Remove the "Reset" plug connector from the motherboard.
5. Replace the side cover and power on the computer. The reset button will not work again until it is reconnected to the motherboard.
Tags: ASUS motherboard, ASUS motherboard features, computer case, header pins, motherboard features, reset button