Gigabyte Technology manufactures computer motherboards and other hardware. The motherboard, the "central nervous system" of a computer, supplies power and allows communication between hardware components. The Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is a set of instructions that are loaded into the computer as soon as it boots. It analyzes hardware, and initializes and tests all components to make sure they are running. Updating your BIOS can improve hardware stability and allow for more advanced configuration options. Gigabyte offers a single BIOS update application that automatically applies the latest BIOS updates for motherboards.
1. Disable "Hyper-Threading" technology if you use an older "hyper-threaded" Intel processor. Consult your motherboard's manual for the BIOS setup procedure to disable this.
2. Download the @BIOS Live Update Utility from the Gigabyte website.
3. Close all applications, anti-spyware and anti-virus applications that are running on your system. Updating the BIOS requires access to system hardware that these programs will find suspicious
4. Click "Save BIOS" to make a backup of your current BIOS configuration. This is important if you wish to revert your changes at a later time.
5. Click "Internet Update" and "Update New BIOS."
6. Choose an update server from the list. All will work, but it is ideal to pick one closest to your geographic location.
7. Select your motherboard model from the Gigabyte product list that appears in the application. Consult your motherboard's manual or packaging for the model number.
8. Wait as the motherboard BIOS is downloaded and the update is applied.
9. Restart your computer to load the system using the new BIOS
Tags: your motherboard, Consult your, Consult your motherboard, from Gigabyte, motherboard manual, your motherboard manual