All personal computers have a Basic Input Output System (BIOS) that is saved to a chip on the motherboard. This program commands the motherboard in its communications with different computer devices. If you have a laptop or computer that is using the Soltek BIOS, you should update it to resolve any driver conflict or to improve the computer's overall stability. Check your computer manual if you are unsure of the BIOS manufacturer, or follow the onscreen prompt to enter the "BIOS" when you initiate the computer. Once in the BIOS, the manufacturer will be displayed.
1. Download and save new Soltek BIOS driver update to your computer. You can get these drivers at a website such as Open Drivers, Wims Bios or Softpedia. Choose to "Save" the drivers when prompted to run or save the file. If you are using Firefox, you will be prompted to "Save the file to Disk." Instead, you should change this option and choose to save the file to your desktop.
2. Locate the BIOS file you downloaded and double-click on it to start the automatic driver installation. Updated Soltek drivers do not require you use a boot disk to complete the update.
3. Wait for the driver installation to finish. Follow any onscreen installation. Usually there is nothing to do but wait for the installation to finish, but there are some cases when you will be asked to close a program for the installation to complete. Click "Finish."
4. Restart the computer to complete the update process.
Tags: BIOS manufacturer, complete update, driver installation, installation finish, save file, Soltek BIOS, your computer