Released in 2006, the GeForce 8600GT is a video card manufactured by NVIDIA. A number of third-parties such Inno3D, ASUS, GIGABYTE and Eagle also manufacture the NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT video card under their brand name. If you are facing a problem with your Inno3D GeForce 8600GT video card, you might want to try out some troubleshooting tips in order to identify the problem.
1. Download and install the latest GeForce 8600GT video driver from the NVIDIA website (see Resource section). An outdated or corrupted video driver can cause severe problems when running high-end applications such as video games. Before installing the new video driver, go to the Windows Control Panel and use the "Programs and Features" option to uninstall the current video driver, after which you can proceed with the installation of the new video driver.
2. Re-install Microsoft DirectX (see Resource section). Installing a new copy of DirectX will overwrite any damaged or corrupted DirectX DLL files. You must keep DirectX updated at all times because Windows operating systems require DirectX to work properly with the GeForce 8600GT video card.
3. Check the system requirements of the application for which you are facing problems when running it on the GeForce 8600GT video card. Older games and video editing applications will not work well with the GeForce 8600GT video card. If this is the case, use the Windows Compatibility Mode to run the application in an older Windows Environment. Go to the installation directory of the application, right-click the EXE file and select "Properties." Under "Compatibility," select an older Windows operating system such as Windows XP or Windows 2000 and click "Apply." The program will run in an older Windows environment that may solve the problems you were experiencing with the GeForce 8600GT video card.
Tags: 8600GT video, GeForce 8600GT, GeForce 8600GT video, 8600GT video card, video card