Thursday 2 October 2014

Msi Install Commands

MSI files install new software on a computer system.

Microsoft provides the Windows Installer program as a pre-installed part of the Windows operating system. The installer unpacks and installs MSI files. Microsoft uses the MSI file extension for updates to Windows, and other companies may release Windows-based software in MSI packages as well. You can run the Windows Installer from the command line using the "Msiexec" command, which runs the "Msiexec.exe" file located in the Windows directory. These case-sensitive MSI installation commands specify how the Windows Installer should interact with the user and the MSI file. Type the commands as "msiexec" followed by the directory of the MSI package, followed by a command property. An example may look like "msiexec /i C:\DIRECTORY\INSTALLER.msi /n=VALUE"

Remove Interface

The "/quiet" and "/passive" commands tailor the interface of the installer. The first installs the MSI file in the background, with no user interface or error prompts. The second is similar, but provides a basic progress bar. The user has no way of canceling the installation if these commands are in effect.

Custom Interface

You may tailor the interface without removing it using the "/q" command. The "qf" parameter offers the full interface, the "qr" option presents a reduced interface, and the "qb" value provides only a basic user interface.

Restart Options

When running unattended, or in quiet or passive mode, these commands specify how the computer should handle requests by the MSI package to restart. The "/norestart" command tells the system to never restart, while the "/forcerestart" command automatically restarts when installation is finished. The "/promptrestart" option allows the user to decide.


Use the "/uninstall" command to remove an MSI application from the system. The "/update" command followed by a patch or update file will update the given MSI application to a newer version.


The "/f" command repairs an installation according to the given parameter values. A "p" value reinstalls the program if a file is missing. The "o" value reinstalls if a version is out of date or if a file is missing. An "a" value forces the program to completely reinstall.

Tags: Windows Installer, commands specify, file missing, file missing value, missing value, quiet passive