Tuesday 20 October 2015

Update & Back Up Bios

Update & Back Up BIOS

Backing up your BIOS (Basic Input Output System) can save your system if a virus corrupts or erases the BIOS. Without your BIOS firmware, you cannot install your operating system. Part of backing up your BIOS involves updating the BIOS. The backup procedure uses the update process to create the backup. All computer and motherboard manufacturers support updating and backing up the BIOS.


1. Turn on your computer. If you changed the motherboard or built your own computer piece by piece, see Step 2. Otherwise, skip to Step 3.

2. Write down the name of your motherboard manufacturer as it appears during the boot process. Common motherboard manufacturers include AMI and Phoenix. If you do not see the motherboard name, restart your system and enter your BIOS using the BIOS key listed on the first screen during the boot process. The motherboard manufacturer is listed on the first screen of the BIOS.

3. Visit either your computer manufacturer's or motherboard manufacturer's website.

4. Locate the Support, Help or Downloads section of the website. Use the exact name and model of your computer or motherboard to view available downloads.

5. Download the latest BIOS update.

6. Download the latest version of the BIOS backup software. If you do not see BIOS backup software listed, search for "BIOS backup" on the computer manufacturer's or motherboard manufacturer's website.

7. Read all instructions provided with the BIOS backup software. Some manufacturers require you to update the BIOS first, while others require you to update after backing up.

8. Follow the instructions provided with the BIOS update file to update your BIOS.

9. Run the BIOS backup software. Some manufacturers require you to use a command line prompt to backup the BIOS. The prompts are listed in the software instructions.

Tags: BIOS backup, your BIOS, backup software, BIOS backup software, motherboard manufacturer