Friday 24 July 2015

Troubleshooting An Asus Motherboard

Troubleshooting an Asus Motherboard

Power Supplies

A malfunctioning power supply could affect an Asus motherboard's ability to work properly. There are many things you can try to see if the problems you're having are a result of the power supply. Check the power cable that runs from your computer to the wall and make sure the cable and wall outlet are working. Also, swap out the power supply with one that you know works. Finally, examine the motherboard and see if you have blown any fuses. If you have, they need to be replaced.

BIOS Upgrades

If you're attempting to use a peripheral device (such as a microphone or external hard drive) and it isn't working, the problem could be with your Asus motherboard--but that doesn't mean you have to buy a new one. If your device was recently manufactured, check the website of your BIOS producer and see if you can make upgrades. Occasionally, a BIOS must be upgraded to ensure devices that have new hardware standards are going to be able to work with an older computer.

Flashing a BIOS

If you have recently "flashed" (or "upgraded") your BIOS and things aren't working, the problem is with your Asus motherboard but is easily fixable. You probably accidentally left your BIOS in "Flash" mode, which will cause your motherboard to function improperly. Find out exactly what model and type of Asus motherboard you have (information can usually be found located on the motherboard itself), find the manufacturer's web page for your specific model, and move it from the "Flash" mode back into the mode of standard operation.

Tags: Asus motherboard, power supply, your BIOS, Flash mode, motherboard have, Troubleshooting Asus, Troubleshooting Asus Motherboard