Tuesday, 12 May 2015

What Is An Agp Video Card

What Is an AGP Video Card?

AGP, or Accelerated Graphics Port, video cards create and process the images displayed on computer monitors. In addition to video games, AGP cards are utilized by graphic design, 3D animation and video editing software. In terms of processing power and price, AGP is considered to be a mid-range graphics solution falling between PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) cards, which are the cheapest and least powerful, and PCI Express, the most expensive and powerful.


AGP video cards are used exclusively for processing graphics which will significantly lighten the load placed on a computer's RAM and CPU by using the card's own RAM and a processor called the GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit.


A computer's motherboard must have at least one available AGP slot that is compatible with an AGP video card before these expansion cards can be installed.


While used for similar purposes, AGP video cards and slots are not compatible with PCI or PCI Express video cards and slots.


AGP video cards vary greatly in price, performance and manufacturing. The most popular manufacturers are Nvidia and ATI. The cards are produced with varying data transferring speeds designated as AGP 1x, 2x, 4x and 8x.

Current Use

Introduced by Intel in 1996 as a a high-end alternative to PCI video cards, AGP cards are now being replaced by PCI Express as motherboard manufacturers start phasing out production of AGP compatible hardware. New AGP cards are still in production but their numbers are limited.

Tags: video cards, cards slots, compatible with, video cards slots, What Video