Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Intel Motherboard Identification


Intel is the world's largest chip maker and makes a full spectrum of motherboards for desktop computers, business servers and workstations. Intel supplies retail customers and computer manufacturers with motherboards that are used in a variety of desktops and laptops around the world.


Do I really need to know which motherboard is in my PC? Typically, no; that is, unless a component fails and you need specific information about the motherboard to affect the repair. Upgrading? The motherboard ID is crucial if you want to flash upgrade the BIOS or perform other system upgrades (e.g. memory, video, sound card).


The easiest way to identify your Intel motherboard is through the spec sheet documentation you received when you purchased your system. The information should be listed. If you don't have the spec sheet, Intel has provided a method to determine the motherboard number during the boot up process (shown below).

1. Turn on PC.

2. Immediately press F2 during the boot-up process to enter Setup.

3. Record the BIOS Version Number (typically the first item)

4. Press F10 to exit Setup.


The BIOS IDs are a sequence of letters and numbers similar to the pattern shown below:

* Desktops: NL94510J.86A.0029 or RL86510A.86A.0089.P21

* Servers: SE7520AF20.86B or ASPN1.86B

Only the first two sections are used for motherboard identification. Intel has provided a chart to identify its non-OEM motherboards on its website (see Resources). If your motherboard's BIOS ID matches exactly a number listed on their chart, Intel will provide support.

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

A non-matching alpha-numeric pattern means that your motherboard was provided for an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). OEMs typically customized their boards to meet their hardware and software requirements. Major brand name computers such as ACER, Dell, Gateway and Hewlett Packard are examples of OEMs.

OEM Support

Intel does not warranty or support OEM motherboards. Intel recommends that you contact the OEM's customer support or place of purchase for upgrades and repair information.

Tags: Intel provided, Original Equipment, shown below, spec sheet, your motherboard